Royal Cross School is Lancashire's designated school for Deaf children. We are a county wide provision that accepts children from the East, West, North and South of the county. Chldren are brought into school by the school's transport team with personal assistants for their journey.

We have a specialist Nursery that can accommodate Deaf children from 2 years who may not have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place.

Once children are Reception age they will need to have an EHCP in place or be going through the assessment process with the expectation that one will be issued.

Royal Cross Primary School is an inclusive school where all children regardless of their SEN and cultural background are encouraged and supported to socialise and achieve their full potential within a supportive caring learning environment.

We use a Total Communication Approach to learning and communication so that every child is able to access the curriculum by whatever means or method that best suits their needs.

We welocome visits by parents, carers and families when looking for appropriate provisions to support their child's education. This may be at nursery, pre-school, reception or at any other stage of their school life.

Please don't hesitate to ring school and arrange a visit!

Parents and carers have a strong voice in expressing their preference for their child's future.

We look forward to meeting you!

‘Communication is Key’