Lancashire's SEND Local Offer
Click the link below to go to Lancashire's special educational needs and disabilities page.
There you will find more information on Lancashire's Local Offer.
Lancashire's Local Offer.
Search the Lancashire SEND Local Offer Directory, click on the link below to access the directory:
Lancashire SEND Local Offer Directory
Click on the link below to go directly to Royal Cross School's Information.
Royal Cross School Provision - 2 years - 11 years,
For more information on Lancashire's SEND Partnership please click on the link below.
Lancashire SEND Partnership
For more information on Lancashire's SEND Partnership please click on the link below.
Lancashire SEND Partnership
Getting in Touch
Local Area Partnership (LAP) meetings allow representatives from the SEND Partnership to discuss local issues in the North, South and East of Lancashire.
Meetings include members of Health, Education, the local authority and the parent carer forum.
Families can raise concerns about SEND Services by contacting your local designated officer (LDO).
Contact your LDO by following the links on this page:
Contact information