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The Intent of our Maths curriculum

At Royal Cross, we want our children to have the mathematical understanding and fluency which they will need in everyday life. We aim to develop their ability to solve problems, to reason and to think logically.

Our mathematics schemes of work are based on the National Curriculum and take into consideration the specific needs of our deaf children and the typical barriers which they face when learning mathematics. We aim to identify and target specific areas of the curriculum which our deaf children find more challenging than their hearing peers. Our pupils access a personalised teaching approach at their appropriate level. They follow a creative curriculum to ensure that mathematics is not taught only as a discrete lesson but is embedded through our curriculum. Thus, our children can use their mathematical skills in a range of different lessons throughout the week.

Children can underperform in maths because they think they ‘can’t do it’; research suggests this is especially true of deaf children. At Royal Cross, we aim to develop confident, engaged and resilient children who are proud of their mathematical achievements and aspire to be the best mathematician they can be.

The implementation of our Maths Curriculum

In EYFS, our children gain an awareness of mathematical concepts through both adult-led activities and play-based learning. In Key Stage 1 and 2, we teach a daily mathematics lesson.

Most of our pupils follow a deaf-friendly version of the Lancashire Red Rose maths scheme. ‘Numberland’ is also introduced in EYFS and Key Stage 1, to ensure pupils have a solid foundation in number. Those children who are not able to access the adapted Lancashire schemes follow a personalised curriculum. Our medium-term planning creates a bespoke curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of our deaf children. We plan our teaching and learning to ensure that every child can progress and achieve at a rate that matches their individual abilities. All pupils have a mathematics-based target in their Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) so staff can work on specific areas where they may need more focused support. We ensure the level of challenge is high, whilst providing scaffolding and support for those children who need it. Children are encouraged to extend and apply their mathematical skills in problem solving and activities which promote higher order thinking.

Children are taught through 1-to-1, small group and whole class lessons. Interventions, such as the NDCS mathematics programme, target those aspects of mathematics which research shows that deaf children find disproportionately more difficult than their hearing peers.

Mathematics is assessed and reviewed at regular intervals. Progress is recorded each term through summative assessments using the B-Squared assessment application. The subject leader attends regular CPD events alongside other mathematics subject leaders from special schools across Lancashire. Work is scrutinised on a termly basis through book looks and learning walks and the results are used to enhance the teaching of mathematics in the school. Regular staff meetings are held which include opportunities for internal moderation across key stages of learning.

The Impact of our Maths Curriculum

In EYFS, children are immersed in mathematical language, staff deliberately introduce new vocabulary to children and encourage them to use it within their play. Focussed activities and provision allow them to explore number, experience mathematical games and explore mathematical problems using concrete and visual ideas.

At Royal Cross, our impact is realised in our children:

Being engaged and sufficiently challenged in lessons

Making good progress over time across all key stages relative to their individual starting points

Developing their ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics

Bridging the gap between themselves and their hearing peers in those particular areas of mathematics which research shows that deaf children find more difficult

Enjoying maths, being confident enough to ‘have a go’ and believing that they will achieve

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KS1 & KS2 Scheme of Work

Progression documents


‘Communication is Key’