What is a School Governing Body?
Governing bodies are responsible for the strategic management of a school and will make decisions about a wide range of issues.
Their core responsibilities involved are:
- Ensuring accountability
- Acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher
- Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress
- Budgetary allocation and control
- Planning for the long term future of the school
- Setting the school’s aims and values
- Appointing senior members of staff including the Headteacher
At Royal Cross the governing body is split in to a small number of committees
- ONLINE SAFETY - responsible for online safety across school and monitoring of any incidents.
- RESOURCES - responsible for Finance, Premises and Health & Safety.
- CURRICULUM - responsible for monotoring pupil achievement & curriculum delivery.
These committees will meet separately from the main governing body to discuss relevant issues in more detail. Discussion is then fed back at a Full Governing Body Meeting; the Terms of Reference for each of these meetings in on the School Web Site.