Physical Education

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At Royal Cross Primary School we recognise the value of PE and it is an integral part of our curriculum. We follow the Lancashire curriculum using the PE Passport app. Within our PE lessons children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. We aim to engage, motivate and inspire children to develop a love of physical exercise, games and healthy lifestyles. We recognise the benefits of a strong Physical Education curriculum and extra-curricular activity on raising children’s aspirations and self-esteem.


All pupils will leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. Regardless of their abilities, we harbour their dreams and ambitions to excel in disability sport. They strive to acheive excellence, fuelled by determination and passion for PE and school sports.  Our aim is to improve the quality of PE and school sport provision, ensuring an equality of access to sport, increasing the number of children playing sport in school and meeting curriculum expectations, including swimming and water safety.

Intent of PE curriculum.

Our Curriculum Lead for PE is Claire Cunliffe who is supported by Lisa Dewhurst. The primary intent of a physical education curriculum in primary schools is to promote the overall physical development and well-being of students. P.E. teaching at Royal Cross follows all requirements of the National Curriculum for Physical Education; providing opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Our staff and children are enthusiastic about P.E. and this is shown through teachers’ attitude towards the teaching of high quality P.E. lessons. We hope to develop the children into confident and competent learners across a broad range of physical activities, by providing them with a wide range of opportunities to participate in physical exercise, both in a competitive and non-competitive environment. We continue to build a love of sport and physical activity amongst our pupils, by offering a broad range of lunchtime clubs. Royal Cross follows the Lancashire Scheme of work using the PE Passport app. Here are the key objectives and goals of our primary school PE curriculum:

Physical Fitness:

The primary goal is to help pupils develop and maintain good physical fitness. This includes improving cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and overall physical health.

Motor Skills:

Physical education aims to develop fundamental motor skills like running, jumping, throwing, catching, and balancing. These skills are essential for a child's physical development and are the building blocks for more complex movements later in life.

Health Education:

It educates pupils about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and the benefits of regular exercise. This knowledge helps pupils make informed choices about their health.

Teamwork and Cooperation:

Physical education often involves team sports and group activities, fostering teamwork, cooperation, and social interaction among pupils. Learning to work together and respect others' abilities is an important aspect of physical education.

Coordination and Agility:

Pupils are taught to improve their coordination, balance, and agility through various activities and exercises. These skills are valuable in daily life and can prevent injuries.

Self-esteem and Confidence:

Success and improvement in physical activities can boost a child's self-esteem and confidence. Physical education helps pupils set and achieve personal fitness goals.

Stress Reduction:

Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in children, promoting mental well-being. It provides an outlet for energy and helps children focus better in the classroom.

Lifelong Physical Activity:

The aim is to find a love for physical activity and sports that pupils can carry with them into adulthood. Encouraging lifelong physical activity helps prevent health problems later in life.

Safety Education:

Pupils are taught safety precautions and proper techniques for physical activities and sports to minimize the risk of injuries.

Inclusion and Adaptation:

The curriculum should be designed to accommodate pupils of varying abilities and needs, ensuring that all pupils can participate and benefit from physical education.

Education about Sports and Games:

Pupils are introduced to a variety of sports and games, promoting an understanding of rules, strategies, and the history of different sports.

Character Development:

Physical education often emphasises values like sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for opponents, helping to shape pupil's character.

Enjoyment and Fun:

Above all, physical education should be enjoyable and fun for pupils, fostering a positive attitude toward physical activity.In summary, the primary intent of a physical education curriculum in primary schools is to promote physical fitness, motor skills, health education, social skills, and overall well-being in pupils. It aims to provide a foundation for a healthy, active lifestyle that pupils can carry with them throughout their lives.

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All classes take part in 2 hours of National Curriculum taught PE every week. We also provide the pupils with an additional 60 minutes of vigorous activity per day. This helps the children to focus better in school and while studying so they can retain more information. Please see below what we offer our pupils each day in addition to our 2hrs weekly PE sessions.

  • Morning Movers (Go Noodle)- Go Noodle is a web based educational tool that is designed to encourage movement with its short interactive activities and short videos. We use this in each class when the children arrive at school. This will allow our children to have an active break after their journey and to have a good mind set as they refocus for the day ahead.

  • Active Playtimes - Active playtimes are valuable at Royal Cross across all year groups. Children are encouraged to use a range of outdoor sports equipment that is available to use whilst playing. Our EYFS children have access to a range of trikes and scooters. All children have access to a trim trail, outdoor gym equipment, climbing equipment and our natural outdoor learning area.

  • Lunchtime Sports Clubs - All children have the opportunity to attend a lunch time sports club. This provides our children with experience in a wide variety of different sports throughout the school year.

  • Continuous Provision - Children in EYFS have access to outdoor continuous provision which provides them with rich opportunities to be active throughout the whole day. Children can use balance bikes, trikes, scooters, sand pit and the mud kitchen. Opportunities are planned to promote the use of gross motor skills which will then in turn help to develop hand-eye coordination which is needed for fine motor.

  • Sensory Circuits - Participation in a short sensory motor circuit is a great way both to energise and settle children into the school day. The aim is to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills. Many children can benefit from attending a Sensory Circuit, even for a short period of time. The idea is to start with something alerting, move to an organisation stage and then finally to a calming phase.

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There are lots of ways that we can demonstrate the excellent impact our curriculum design has on our pupils. Below are some examples:

  • Sports funding has been used to allow staff a significant amount of Continuing Professional Development training in Physical Education. 

  • Being members of the Lancashire PE Passport enables us to access the app to share planning, resources and provide evidence of learning across the school.

  • Sports funding has been used to purchase equipment and outdoor gym equipment.

  • The school offers a broad range of extra-curricular provision, Judo, Tennis, Archery and Multi-skills.

  • Provide opportunities for the whole school to access school swimming and water safety throughout the academic year.

  • Pupils' confidence and self-esteem will be boosted by their achievements in physical activities.

  • Provide equal access to sport for girls and boys.

  • The PE Curriculum will be inclusive and accessible to all pupils' abilities and needs ensuring all pupils can participate and thrive.

  • Royal Cross will support the PE curriculum, providing resources, facilities, and qualified instructors to ensure its success.

  • Pupils will set and achieve personal fitness goals and overcome challenges with resilience.

  • Pupils will have a positive attitude toward physical activity and sports, viewing them as enjoyable and important parts of their lives. They will be enthusiastic about participating in various physical activities in school.

  • Pupils will take part in daily exercise, understand about healthy eating and how all this impacts their mental health in a positive way.

  • Pupils will take part in local competitions and meet up with other deaf students, promoting deaf identity and inclusive sports.

Teachers use the P.E. Passport App as well as the P.E. progression of skills document or the EYFS Early Learning Goals to deliver high quality P.E lessons and assess the children as they progress through school.

In conclusion, when Our PE curriculum at Royal Cross achieves its intent, it results in physically fit, knowledgeable, confident, and socially skilled pupils who embrace a lifelong commitment to physical activity and well-being. This positive impact extends beyond the school environment to promote healthier, happier individuals and communities.

Swimming at Royal Cross & PE kit


All the children at Royal Cross get to take part in swimming sessions across the year. These take place at Beacon Fell View with Glovers swimming in Preston. Sessions are delivered by a specialist swimming instructor and supported by our staff with BSL.

School have recently received a grant which will allow 2 staff members to train as qualified L1 &L2 swimming instructors. This supports our staff CPD but will also give our children full access and inclusivity with staff that work with them daily and know their physical capabilities.

P.E. Kit

All children need to have a PE kit in school. This compromises of:

Navy blue shorts

Navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings

Black pumps or trainers

White T shirt

Navy blue zip hoody (when cold)

Each piece of child's clothing should be named and kept in a labelled bag.

School Competitions

At Royal Cross the children have opportunities to participate in local competitions with other deaf children, SEN schools and mainstream schools. In the past, we have taken part in ten pin bowling, multisport, Boccia and Kurling.  The children also take part in intra-competitions where they get chance to compete against their peers.

Both boys and girls access these competitions and as a school we encourage all our children to take part. It helps to increase their confidence, their physical and mental wellbeing and help them to develop transferable skills e.g. resilience, team work and determination. Every sport has opportunities to succeed and opportunities to show real resilience and commitment. Skills that we want our children to build and use throughout their life!

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Our staff understand the importance of physical activity! Lead by example!

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Links with other organisations

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Our students were extremely lucky to get to talk to Max Whitlock! They took part in an online chat, asked him lots of questions and taught him some sign!

The children loved seeing his gold medal! We are excited to use the Max Whitlock gymnastic unit on PE Passport.

‘Communication is Key’