SEND Information and News for families

National Deaf Childrens Society (NDCS)

Access a wealth of support, information and local events available local to you.

Click on the link to go to the web site.

Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans

To find out more about EHC plans and how to apply for one, click on the link below.

Lancashire County Council EHC plans.


Access family friendly advice for families of Deaf children on

EHC plans and assessments, click on the link below.

NDCS - Getting an Education Health and Care Plan

Governments Next Steps for SEND.

Read the latest from the NDCS

The Department for Education has published an improvement plan which sets out how they will follow-up their

special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) review consultation last year.

Find out more on their Action for Teachers of the Deaf.

‘Communication is Key’