Home Learning/Homework

All the children in Oak class bring home reading books. It is essential to your child's development that they read regularly. Please find 10 minutes to read with your child every day. 

Children are given spellings once a week. Their spelling test in on a Friday.

We work hard on our times tables in Oak class. Your child knows which times table they are working on. Please practise these, and any previous ones, with your child on a regular basis.

We will often send homework home linked to our learning in class. Please ensure that you check your child's bag. We will also let you know via Dojo when any homework has to be in. 

There are also some ideas for extra learning opportunities in our class newsletters - please take a look!

Please dont hesitate to get in contact with your child's class teacher if you would like further advice and guidance on supporting your child at home

‘Communication is Key’